Diversity and Inclusion
Our commitment to each other
We aim to make iPRES 2025 an inclusive, collaborative, caring, and respectful community event for everyone. The iPRES Code of Conduct applies to all meetings, events, working groups, social events, online communication channels including social media, and other activities organised by or affiliated with iPRES in person, online or in a hybrid model. This Code of Conduct also applies to all pre-conference activities, committee meetings, review panels, and planning sessions.
We ask all those who are participating in any iPRES event or within the iPRES community to be constructive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. We are a diverse community from a wide range of social, cultural, and professional backgrounds that is committed to inclusivity, accessibility, free expression of ideas, and creating an experience in which everyone feels welcome to learn and exchange ideas in an environment of mutual respect.
As organisers, we are steadfast that there is no place in iPRES for overt or indirect harassment, disrespect or intimidation of any kind, but especially that based on race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, language, national origin, physical or cognitive ability, age, appearance, level of knowledge, and/or other group status.
The iPRES 2025 Local Organising Committee has a designated Care Team for participant wellbeing and Code of Conduct incident reporting. If someone makes you or anyone else participating in an iPRES sponsored activity feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it to a member of the Care Team as soon as possible, and this will initiate action in response.
There are practical steps we can all take to ensure that everyone has a constructive and enjoyable conference experience. For example, we can all commit to using a microphone when we ask questions, so that everyone can hear.
We are a neurodiverse community and we don’t all communicate and express ourselves the same way. Some people prefer direct, literal communication and others talk in idioms and metaphors. Some people need extra time to process and respond. Communication is a two-way process, so let’s be flexible and accommodate different communication styles. Sometimes a person may need to leave in the middle of a session, or flap their hands, or pace up and down, or go to a quiet space, and that’s ok. If someone’s behavior seems strange to you, don’t make assumptions – talk to them directly.
Some of us are more sensitive to smells, sounds and lights than others. Please do not use flash photography as this can induce migraines. Please avoid wearing perfume or aftershave or bringing other strong scents with you. Be aware of attendees using canes or wheelchairs and give them room to get around. Give up that aisle seat if someone needs it. Raise your hand and ask the presenter to describe what’s happening in their silent video, for the benefit of those who can’t see it.
These are the actions that add up to a truly inclusive event where we all feel welcome. Let’s make iPRES 2025 an amazing experience for everyone.
iPRES Code of Conduct and Incident Response Framework
Accessible Conference Guide | SIGACCESS